
What is remedation dredging
What is remedation dredging

what is remedation dredging

Contaminated sediments can be a big risk to human health, the environment and it may limit the use of many water bodies.Ĥ.

what is remedation dredging

Treatment of contaminated sediment is costly and secure disposal areas are limited, precision dredging offers a viable solution. Remediation dredging means that the thinnest layers possible are accurately removed so that the least possible quantities of contaminated material are dredged.ģ. Adaptive auger head supports cleanup operations that are specifically aimed at removing contaminated sediments that can endanger marine and human life.Ģ. The adaptive auger head is, as mentioned above, perfect for environmental dredging or remediation for a number of reasons: Image Credits: ġ. They also cause low or even zero turbidity.ħ. The adaptive visors keep marine life from getting trapped in the dredging system. The solution perfect for environmental dredging. That makes them very useful for remote controlled dredgers that work in areas where environment is risky for operators.Ħ. The adaptive visors automatically adjust with the ground. This system ensures an even surface at all depths.ĥ. The adaptive system saves marine life by protecting animals from entering the suction system in the dredger.Ĥ. This is a big advantage when dredging in contaminated areas.ģ. Because the adaptive visors control the material spillage. Much less turbidity than with conical (basket) type cutter heads.

what is remedation dredging

The adaptive visors create a strong suction vacuum by continuously following ground.Ģ. More production of the sand in less time. The adaptive auger head achieves several benefits by following the ground during dredging. A hydraulic arrangement and pressure settings enable this automatic visor movement. The visors move in and out, according to the shape of the seabed and according to the depth. The adaptive auger head has two retractable visors placed both on the front and backside of the auger head. Dredge Yard adds another innovative dredging solution to their portfolio: the adaptive auger head.

What is remedation dredging